Payday loans are also known as cash advance loans, delayed deposit loans, and deferred presentment loans. They are designed to help pay for unexpected expenses like car repairs, natural disasters or just not being able to meet monthly expenses.
The borrower writes a check to the lender or uses a debit card in exchange for immediate funding to their debit card. The lender does not cash the check or debit the card until a later date specified in the agreement signed by the borrower.
Payday loans are also known as cash advance loans, delayed deposit loans, and deferred presentment loans. They are designed to help pay for unexpected expenses like car repairs, natural disasters or just not being able to meet monthly expenses.
The borrower writes a check to the lender or uses a debit card in exchange for immediate funding to their debit card. The lender does not cash the check or debit the card until a later date specified in the agreement signed by the borrower.
To obtain a payday loan, sign an agreement that discloses the loan amount, annual percentage rate, and relevant details. Provide a personal check written or bank debit card for the loan amount plus a fee to the lender.
You can redeem the check on or before the specified due date. Failure to do so may result in the check being deposited or the loan amount automatically debited or withdrawn from your authorized bank account.
LOUISIANA – Under the Louisiana Deferred Presentment & Small Loan Act, the maximum amount that a lender can borrow is $350.
Louisiana law allows a lender to charge $20 for every $100 borrowed, plus a $10 fee for documentation. However, the total amount of the fees cannot exceed $55 when the amount borrowed is $220-$350.
While it is possible to have multiple payday loans from a single lender the maximum borrowing limits remain the same. However, if the initial loan did not effectively address your financial challenges, obtaining a second loan may make the situation more difficult. As the number of outstanding payday loans increases, it becomes increasingly challenging to fully repay them.
No, unfortunately at this time we do not accept Chime Bank.
Yes. Less-than-perfect credit will not necessarily prevent you from qualifying for a loan. Even if you have been turned down by other lenders in the past, we may be able to assist you in obtaining a loan amount to meet your financial needs.
With G-Money Payday Loans, you do not need to worry about your application affecting your credit score, as we do not make an inquiry that would affect your scores. Instead, we use information from alternative credit sources and scores to make a determination on your ability to repay your loan.